Leg Surgery for Rufus

UPDATE: Thanks to your generosity, we have enough money to pull Rufus from the shelter and get him into Dr. Kumar for surgery! One of our volunteers, Karen, will be driving him to the Southern California Animal Hospital this afternoon and Dr. Kumar will arrange to have a specialist come in to help with this complicated surgery.

Rufus is a blue nose, 2 year old American Staffordshire Terrier in urgent need of surgery to fix his leg. He was hit by a car here in Baldwin Park and then dropped off at the shelter. Shelter staff have been taking good care of him but his leg is causing him pain.

There’s only so much the shelter can do for Rufus because he needs surgery.

Rufus’s x-rays show that he has some bone floating around in his leg. His surgery is a bit more complicated because he will need a titanium plate to be inserted. He’s been a really good boy at the shelter so far but would be more comfortable in a home.

If you are able to donate to help Rufus get is much needed surgery, please Chip in a little to help Rufus. Thank you!

Rufus safely made it to the vet’s office. Look at that face!

More updates soon.