How Lucky Got Lucky

2011 didn’t start off so well for Lucky, an adorable three-year-old terrier/dachshund mix. On January 8th, at a time when shelters throughout the country were already heaving with fabulous but unwanted dogs abandoned and discarded during the holidays, his owners surrendered him to the Baldwin Park shelter, saying they could no longer afford to keep him.

Shortly afterwards he was adopted by a lady named Barbara, who recently gave us an update on the newest addition to her canine family.

One Lucky dog.

“I couldn’t have selected a better dog for our family. Our relationship has grown in such a positive way. Lucky was so sickly, fearful and insecure when I first got him, and he’s done a complete turnaround: now he is happy, easygoing, well adjusted and gets along well with all people and animals.

In addition to Lucky and Nikki, my German Shepherd, there’s another dog in the family, Chloe, a Great Dane. Chloe belongs to my roommate, who works from home, so all three dogs have company during the day.

Lucky has big dog attitude and isn’t intimidated by big dog antics. Lucky will play with Chloe and Nikki, and they get down to his level to play. Nikki is more his ‘mother’ while Chloe is more his ‘girlfriend’!  He loves to run and has gotten so strong and muscular!  

Happy go Lucky!

Lucky is pure affection, and he’s definitely a mama’s boy. I take the dogs out every morning, and Lucky has become a real trail dog, with very good trail manners. He enjoys running and playing and has great energy. The dogs mostly sleep during the day, and Lucky cuddles in my lap in the evenings… we all stay so close. I don’t what Lucky’s background was but I think he must have come from a loving home as he doesn’t have any issues. If his previous owners had to give him up because they couldn’t afford to keep him, it must have been heartbreaking for them.

I’m so glad I gave Lucky a chance. Everyone should get a rescue dog!”

We couldn’t agree more, Barbara!