
From Baldwin Park to Maine: Bob’s Story

When Jana Savage, animal advocate and UHA volunteer,  first laid eyes on the sick kitten in the Baldwin Park Animal Care Center’s medical clinic, she knew she had to help. Chloe, as Jana named her, was suffering from Sarcoptic Mange, a skin condition caused by mites. Under most circumstances, Chloe’s chances of adoption would have been small, but this little one was lucky to have Jana on her side.

In the end, Chloe turned out to be Bob (oops!), and with the help of Jana, UHA’s Angel Fund, a donation from the Heigl Foundation, and a compassionate foster mom, Bob is now healthy, happy, and, most importantly, home. This is Bob’s story in Jana’s own words:

When I first met Bob (and for the next two months) I thought he was a Chloe. I like to think this early gender mixup has not had a lasting effect on him. By the looks of it, Bob is doing just fine these days.

Sweet Bob was suffering horribly from Sarcoptic Mange at the shelter. When I saw him in the clinic I knew I was in trouble because I just couldn’t let him fall through the cracks, and there was no way my 3 dogs would allow a cat in our house.

An amazing friend of mine, who already had a full plate with two dogs and a small child, took him in and nursed him back to health. Once Bob was healthy, she graciously said goodbye to Bob and I sent him to live with my brother, his wife and their cat, Midge, in Maine.  Bob is doing swimmingly and getting more and more acclimated to a stable and loving home every day.

My brother sent me this message: “He keeps going through phases of comfort…About a week ago he started sprawling out in all directions, when before he would always tuck his limbs in while he napped.”

Bob has completed my brother’s family and they couldn’t be happier. My brother and his wife have a loyal companion, and Midge has a best feline friend forever. The difference between when I first saw him and how happy and healthy is now is a prime example of what can happen when people join together to save a life. 

Leg Surgery for Rufus

UPDATE: Thanks to your generosity, we have enough money to pull Rufus from the shelter and get him into Dr. Kumar for surgery! One of our volunteers, Karen, will be driving him to the Southern California Animal Hospital this afternoon and Dr. Kumar will arrange to have a specialist come in to help with this complicated surgery.

Rufus is a blue nose, 2 year old American Staffordshire Terrier in urgent need of surgery to fix his leg. He was hit by a car here in Baldwin Park and then dropped off at the shelter. Shelter staff have been taking good care of him but his leg is causing him pain.

There’s only so much the shelter can do for Rufus because he needs surgery.

Rufus’s x-rays show that he has some bone floating around in his leg. His surgery is a bit more complicated because he will need a titanium plate to be inserted. He’s been a really good boy at the shelter so far but would be more comfortable in a home.

If you are able to donate to help Rufus get is much needed surgery, please Chip in a little to help Rufus. Thank you!

Rufus safely made it to the vet’s office. Look at that face!

More updates soon.

Donate a Dog Bed

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie ProjectThe Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Project will provide a bed for as many shelter dogs as possible. We believe that a comfortable place to rest should be a right, not a luxury, for a shelter dog.

The only source of funding for the LSDL project is your kind and generous donations. Be assured that your funds will directly change the world for a homeless dog who will be extremely grateful to have a bed to rest, sleep, and dream of his future home!